To add a additional field in profile page of
PZ Frontend Manager Plugin. Using the filter
pzfm_personal_info_fields the filter returns an array of fields used in profile page ( id, label, field, required, read-only, options, and wrapper class).
* Add Additional Field(s) in User/Profile Page.
function custom_fb_url($fields){
$fields['facebook'] = array(
'id' => 'facebook',
'label' => 'Facebook URL',
'field' => 'text',
'required' => false,
'read-only' => false,
'options' => array(),
'wrapper_class' => 'facebook col-md-12 mb-3'
return $fields;
add_filter('pzfm_personal_info_fields', 'custom_fb_url');
Parameters of Fields Array:
- ID - Unique ID for the field.
- label - Text to display above the field.
- Field - Type of field to use (text, select, textarea, email, hidden, password).
- Required - If field is required.
- Read Only - Field only to display and not editable.
- Options - Options if the field is select.
- Wrapper Class - Classes used in the field.