Click “Users” from your dashboard. You will then be redirected to the user page. Under the Search bar, click the...
Hover your cursor to your Tag Name and choose the action of your preference. Bulk Actions – allows you to...
Click “Posts” from your dashboard sidebar and click “Tags” from the dropdown. You will then be redirected to the category...
Click “Posts” from your dashboard sidebar and click “Tags” from the dropdown. You will then be redirected to the tag...
Hover your cursor to your Categories Name and choose the action of your preference. Bulk Actions – allows you to...
Click “Posts” from your dashboard sidebar and click “Categories” from the dropdown. You will then be redirected to the category...
Click “Posts” from your dashboard sidebar and click “Categories” from the dropdown. You will then be redirected to the category...
Hover your cursor over your Post title and choose the action of your preference. Bulk Actions – allows you to...
Click “Posts” from your dashboard sidebar and click “Manage Posts” from the dropdown. You will then be redirected to the...
Click “Posts” from your dashboard sidebar and click “Manage Posts” from the dropdown. You will then be redirected to the...
To add or remove columns in post page of PZ Frontend Manager Plugin. Using the filters pzfm_post_table_columns and pzfm_post_row_data_{{ ID...
To add a additional field in profile page of PZ Frontend Manager Plugin. Using the filter pzfm_personal_info_fields the filter returns...
How to create a post Click the "Posts" from the sidebar menu. Click the "Add button" to redirect you to...
By default PZ Frontend Manager plugin reset all the site enqueued styles and scripts and enqueue only the plugin's scripts...
Adding an additional section to the dashboard page is quite common and will help the system add additional details. Using...